Cohen is 10 days old about now and is wonderful! He is eating really well, sometimes a little too fast and spits up, sleeping well....during the day!....a common thing among infants, so I am told. But even staying up in the night until 6 am is worth it and I really don't mind! Never thought I'd see this day. His Pops (Kenny, Eric's dad) took some newborn pics of him on saturday which is what is posted. He was so good during the photo shoot! I got to put him in a sweet little train outfit that Eric lovingly refers to as "girly." He looked so precious! We've had tons of company, food prepared, gifts given...people continue to be so generous to us and we are still amazed and so thankful. I am already behind (as usual) on thank you's! We have some showers coming up soon so we went and had a date night/register for Cohen night. His Pops and JuJu kept loved on him while we were away. We went to Macaroni grille, which we love. Eric is really big on us keeping a date night set aside frequently for ourselves. He loves me :-) So all is well here. We are even more in love with this little one brought to us by God and are amazed at His goodness and His love for us. His perfect plan is continuing to be carried out for Cohen's life and for our family. I am anxious about the shoes that I have to fill. I have been entrusted with a helpless, innocent child, one who has been 'set in our family,' one He cares very much for and holds at high priority. I am anxious that I won't be a good enought mom, or that I will mess him up in some way. Thank God for his mercy and grace that I am in desperate need of as much today as before we began this journey. I am priviledged to pray over Cohen and speak positive things over him at night when I am awake with him as "E" asked me to do. I am privilegded to have known E and to get to share her story and her love for Cohen with him. Speaking of E, she will be signing her surrender tomorrow, don't know what time, but PLEASE pray for her, for peace and comfort about her decision and about her future. This might be the most difficult time of all for her as she goes to court tomorrow to sign these papers entrusting Cohen to us. Man, I am still so amazed by her. I promise to share the hospital story soon, but wanted to brag on cohen a little more! Pray for E!!!
He is gorgeous! I love the first time of him staring up at you...it's too precious. That is such love!
Thanks for sharing...
Keeping you, Eric and Cohen in our prayers...as well as E...
Can't wait to hear the hospital story!
Big hugs from South Africa
Mandy, Eric and Baby Cohen -
I am a friend of the Barfields and have been keeping up with your story through DeeDee! I just wanted to tell you how excited we are for your sweet family! Cohen is adorable and you can tell he is SO loved! The pictures are beautiful! My husband, too, calls those outfits "girly" but; my second blessing through adoption, Bennett wore one for Easter last year! The only time he did or probably will have one on according to my dear hubby:0)
Know that we will keep E in our prayers as she signs and deals with all the emotions that come with that! We pray that God will bless her tremendously with the peace that only He can give!
Know also that we pray for you as a family as you experience all the blessings God is giving through the tiny life He entrusted to you!
Thank you for putting up more pics. He is so cute! I can not wait to see you guys on Friday. I will be praying for E today. love, Megan Wade
I found your blog through a link from someone else's. I just wanted to tell you how precious little Cohen is. I love the pictures, especially the one of the three of you.
I will be praying for E today.
I am a friend of Stephanie Finch and our Bible study has been praying for you all and for E. Cohen is just beautiful! I hope to hear good things about how the signing went.
Tracy Brothers
He is beautiful/handsome! I can't wait to meet and hold him I think I am better now and "safe" to be around him.
I'm ready to come up there since I haven't seen him in almost a week! A friend of mine who saw his pictures was talking today about how incredibly beautiful he is! She was telling someone else, so it wasn't just to make me happy. He is so precious, i miss him!! love yall
We will pray for E as well as your new family :)
Your story is incredible! I've just found your blog, and I check so often:) I hope everything goes well for E during the signing. Sending prayers for her and for you guys and prayers of thanks for beautiful Cohen.
I found your blog a few weeks before Cohen was born and I've loved following your story the past few weeks. Your son is magnificent, but more than that your love for him and the Father who brought you all together is a priceless testimony. Thank you for sharing it so honestly.
He is beautiful and I can't wait to meet him!
I have been a parent for four years and I'm still scared I'm going to mess my boys up. God guides you!
The photos are amazing! He is such a cute little fella. We are so very excited for you guys and this new time in your life. Nicole says she cannot wait to see him tomorrow!
Austin & Nicole
He is so sweet and really coming to life. I can't wait to see him again. Sorry I missed your shower last weekend (life stories!!!). I do have a gift for you and want to bring it to you soon. Let me know when is a good time. And I love the girly outfit. Tell Eric they are okay while they are little!!! So fun! We need to get together for dinner sometime soon!
What cute pictures of your new precious gift from God. I'm assuming all went well with E's paperwork.
Thanks for being transparent about your trepidation at your new parenting role. As a father of seven, I want to encourage you (in a wierd sort of way) that you ARE going to mess things up along the way, but that it's okay. It's part of God's process of raising us in godliness as we raise our children in godliness. Just enjoy your son, stay humble and teachable, and stay connected to the Lord for wisdom and encouragement.
Blessings from all us here at FamilyLife.
I just stumbled across your blog and the photos of your little boy made me cry. He is really beautiful - in fact the 3rd most beautiful baby I have ever seen!(after my own 2 of course)
Melbourne, Australia
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